Lost Spoiler: 1° Sneak Peeks 5.16-5.17 – The Incident – Part 1 e 2

Molto prima del previsto ecco a voi un primo SP del finale di 5° Stagione di Lost ma a dopo il continua per gustarcelo, ed in più c’è il transcript:


Jack: Anything in that journal on how to move a 10-ton bomb across the island
Sayid: Actually it’s 20-Tons, fortunately Faraday never intended to ___ the device in it’s entirety
Eloise: What!?
Sayid: He left detailed instructions on how to remove the petroleum core and how to detonate it.
Jack: Dan told me that we needed to wipe out some pocket of energy, will that part of the bomb be enough to do that?
Sayid: The core itseld is a thermonuclear weapon, it’ll be more than enough.

Sayid walks over to some military crates to get some tools.

Richard: Hold on!! Hey…hey hey…hey…listen we sealed that thing up 20 years ago and put it underground because it was emitting radiation and now you are going to open it up!?
Sayid: If we use the equipment the Army left behind in these cases we can extract the core without any long term damage…
Richard: Long term damage….(turns to Eloise)….does this sound good to you Eloise? You are pregnant…!!
Eloise: Which is exactly WHY I have to help them see this through.
Jack: How far along are you?
Eloise: Far enough…(she looks at Sayid who is getting the tools) once the core is removed then what!?
Sayid: then we have approximately two hours to take it to the Swan site
Richard: Two hours!?
Sayid: When Faraday returned to the island he was very specific about his time table
Jack: Well then, we better get moving (kneels over tools and Sayid climbs on top of the Jughead)

fonte: darkufo e grazie a The Odi

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